When spring arrives, you want to make sure that your lawn looks bright, fresh, and clean like the rest of your home. It’s time to get outside, enjoy the warmer weather, and clean up your yard. These spring cleaning tips for your lawn will help it look its best this season and all throughout the Read More >
The average homeowner in Kansas City spends an hour every time they mow their lawn (based on a half-acre lot). Since mowing season spans April through October, (28 weeks) and the average person mows twice a week (2 hours), that adds up to a whopping 56 hours spent just mowing. Of course, if your lot Read More >
If you take pride in your lawn, and want it to be as healthy as possible, we’ve got a great tip for you. You may not realize it, but using a grass catcher on your lawn mower is an extra step that adds time to your mowing and is completely unnecessary. Furthermore, you might actually Read More >